Sunday 12 May 2013


I spent this past weekend reflecting and thinking about the things which define me as a person, the people who influence me. I wasn't too sure which angle I should take in creating this post so I thought it would be a good idea to make it personal. For as long as I can remember I have never been someone who "fitted in", the friends I have are from a multitude of backgrounds and have different personalities.  I am still searching, trying to find myself in this big bad world and often I come across things that take my breath away. Not for any particular reason, it could be something vague and this "thing" usually takes the form of a picture or a musical piece. Something that moves me in a way I cannot explain, something that I discover new parts of me in when I see or hear it, when I experience it. Taking from that point, I wanted to make this blog a creative space for myself, where I share what I like with the world without being too generic about it. What this post is about is me, in a weird sort of sense it's about me finding these two pictures whilst surfing the internet and being moved by them. I could not trace the authors/photographers or model of the first picture but I did for the second one. They do not have any worldly significance and this is not a post that's going to change anyone's life but it is a post that simply shares. I'm amazed at the way people can make even the simplest things look beautiful and I still can't put my finger on why it is I randomly chose to blog about these pictures but I hope you see the beauty that I see in these pictures; how they are both dark and almost evasive but also undeniably beguiling. 

Soo Joo by Marton Perlaki for Oyster #102


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