Wednesday 29 May 2013


Now that exam time has beckoned, I've been buckling down and trying to get into a mindset that is going to guarantee the best outcome. It has also got me thinking about what it takes for one to actually be motivated to start something and follow through with it. My best guess would be passion, not as if nobody knew that but passion fuels potential and turns it into something great. I was very uninspired for a very long time, having gone through a few setbacks in the past 3 years I almost totally forgot that the purpose of learning is to get an education, but whilst doing so remembering that which inspires you to do what you're doing. In many ways, life is unpredictable, things do not always turn out the way we want them to but when you remember how far I've come it's difficult to back down. I am still learning and growing and learning and carefully molding myself into the person I want to become, living vicariously through inspiration from people I look up to. All I'm saying is that it is important to not forget why it is you're doing something, purpose is everything and without it I know that I have gone astray. I would like to think that I'm on the right track to making my dreams come true. Comparisons kill the soul and doubting yourself is the worst bruise you could inflict on your self-worth. I hope that whoever reads this remembers that there is more to life than a number on a piece of paper, grades don't define us and neither do past mistakes. I vow to live fully from this day forward. Inspiration is everywhere, you just have to open your eyes and acknowledge it.

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