I have always been obsessed with leather but this season, toughness takes a whole new face.The military look is a big trend this season and combined with leather, this makes a perfect mix of style and ease! To pull of the look, keep it minimal and let the camo be the main focus of your look. The key is to accessorize and make the look your own by adding a personal touch, whatever that may be. Here is how I would wear it:![Incognito Camo Incognito Camo](http://cfc.polyvoreimg.com/cgi/img-set/.sig/72uSSqRYvxZ7VziKjOuZw/cid/79797040/id/e7PB2eibT7_-IHH0evo-yA/size/c600x502.jpg)
![Incognito Camo Incognito Camo](http://cfc.polyvoreimg.com/cgi/img-set/.sig/72uSSqRYvxZ7VziKjOuZw/cid/79797040/id/e7PB2eibT7_-IHH0evo-yA/size/c600x502.jpg)